Void same day sales
in progress
Dev Team
in progress
We hope to have this working on upcoming update.
Dev Team
Merged in a post:
central betterwear
you should be able to reverse the receipt and cancel it completely, and it should cancel the credit card payment if it's on the same day
Dev Team
under review
Dev Team
Hi all, void same day works already for cash/check sales, we are looking into getting it to work with credit card charges too.
central betterwear
yes definitely very important
Dev Team
Option to void was added, just need to implement the same day limitation.
Rochie Sufrin
Dev Team: Explain please
mordy rosen
This would be a great option , many times we’ve had sales which from mistakes and we would like if we can delete and be able to delete a purchase before the cc gets processed
Dev Team
Merged in a post:
Allow to reopen sale
Motty Waldner
within same day there should be a reopen option , for closed sale.
Dev Team
We are looking into adding this. we already have the void option, but needs to enforce the same day limitation.